Lakshya International – One of the best school located at Nagda (M.P.) central India. It comprises of highly passionate, energetic, trained and result driven teachers. At LIS, the main focus is not only to teach students through books but also give them practical exposure through different informative and interesting activities and events.
To further hone the talent of students, the teachers adopt practical teaching with the help of teaching aids pertaining to their topic. A nation can only grow up when it has well educated youth and thus at LIS we provide excellent and competitive learning environment with modern infrastructure/ facilities.
Vision & Mission
Lakshya International School is set to keep an eye on upright administration of learning for authentic, moral and purposeful education. LIS envisions bringing the best for its students from across the globe by nurturing them to become successful , responsible and ethical global leaders.

(An ISO 9001 : 2015 Certified Institution)

We believe that each child is talented and possess incredible qualities, that needs to be channelized in a right way. Our education system is based and designed on the basis of modern brain development theory of neuroscience and multiple intelligence.

” Vidhya dhanam sarva dhanam pradhanam ” – Education is the most precious legacy anyone can have. And if you are educated all door of success is open for you to have unlimited wealth. Education is not limited up to teaching a book, it is the overall growth of a child.